Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Tamil Kavithai Invitation

Pamuk historical novels

V masters to be a bit honest. The historical novel is a solid literary genre that has always been fashionable. To say that something has always been fashion is one of those linguistic paradoxes, such as the ancient Greeks, is like stating that Linares are always liars. I mean if something has always been fashionable, it has never been fashionable, by definition. Neither can be a bit honest, neither gets to relive the past. Or re-live, or relive.

Looking past is also a relative. As we know, time passes, and every novel then becomes historical, that is, to treat a past tense. Except for a few science fiction novels, we do not know if they will ever be historical. But I think I'm going through the branches of history. So what is a historical novel ? We can say that it is trying to credibly reflect a bygone era, distant in time. Lacks the definition of definition, as any definition that price, be stated that leaves out many of its components. Obviously, a novel of the Roman Empire is historical, but it is a novel based on the Tejero coup? What a novel based on what happened yesterday?

We are much more complicated life, I think, with this novel. Me I'm complicated, you readers less. For me, a historical novel that describes a historical fact, something really true in the plot, but with a lot of fiction. The National Episodes of Galdós gender paradigm would also consider a master of the genre to Robert Graves, one of my favorite writers in this complicated matter of mixing history and fiction, ie , checked facts and fiction. But to be considered part of history, the facts described are not any, but have sufficient importance to have been included in treaties and scholarly essays.

That said, there are novels that can be considered historical, because they are located in the past, but for me are not at all. The amazing journey of Pomponio Flato is one of them, because it makes the historical issue rather than a setting where the plot, the bulk of the novel, runs more or less success. The are also two novels by Orhan Pamuk , My Name is Red and The White Castle.

Why Pamuk writes these novels of the past? Obviously, this question is a truism. Each author writes what he thinks fit, and that is their prerogative. Pamuk himself, in the aftermath of White Castle, says not knowing what to do, although critics have opined that it is to escape from the problems of Turkish society today. I think not, especially after the publication of Snow . However, for a historical novel seems convincing, the authors often resort to a process of more or less extensive documentation, in order to educate themselves and learn from the daily life of the time, or at least the life that they might take their characters in a past time where society could be established in a different way. Write a historical novel extraliterary requires hard work, access to an extensive bibliographic, and devoting hours to detail. Sometimes this work becomes so engrossing that the work of the novelist, to create a fictional world, overtaken by the historical thoroughness needed to give credibility to the story. No wonder, then, to write historical novels become the specialty of some writers, and others seeking to exploit the time-series novels or sagas that amortize this previous work. Pamuk

choose the Ottoman Empire sixteenth century to put these two novels, but they are really different in content and purpose. White Castle takes the relationship between a slave and his master, which obviously can only have in the past to recreate the literary theme of the double, almost a genre in itself. The situation between the two protagonists, master and servant, seems invested throughout the novel, and the opposition not only covers the nature of the characters, but the two cultures, East and West, they represent. The book, though brief, is extremely dense, is presented in the form of a letter or document found by a regular Pamuk's books. Grazing sometimes metaphysical, Pamuk explores the individuality and human feelings of self and super-ego, an almost psychoanalytic. Imagine the great difficulty of the translator, Rafael Carpintero in Transfer the line of thought of the supposed author of the manuscript into English. Pamuk's third novel was first translated into English and fundamental part of its international recognition. In English appeared in 1994 under the name The Sultan and the astronomer, eliminating the roots the symbolism of the title, which is only revealed at the end of the novel. Thanks to the editors, reprinted in 2001 with a title more in line with the original.

My Name is Red is another masterpiece of Pamuk, and catapulted him Nobel literally. Each chapter is narrated in first person by a different character, which can be as varied as a coin, a painted horse head, or the color red, which the novel takes its title. The story is based on the life of all the illustrators illuminators in the service of the Sultan, Islamic books that illuminate the traditional way. Induces an order sacrilegious murder of a master illustrator, and since the first chapter we know that the criminal must be one of the three most important illustrators of the workshop. The mystery, one of the least interesting of the book resources, serves as the novel plot and is revealed only at the end. But this thread is weak and hardly visible. Throughout of the many pages of the book, we find stories of love, the conception of art of the Muslims, the origin of religious extremism, philosophical, and, of course, the contrast between East and West in the structure of society in general and in this case, in particular art.

multifaceted vision of the facts for different narrators is a tool that Pamuk cleverly used to describe the thinking of Muslims, men and women of sixteenth-century Istanbul, from his conception of religion, life and art. The violence that accompany the book are, in my opinion, a metaphor for current events Turkish society, and banish the idea of \u200b\u200bescape from the reality that this novel might suggest.

Two novels, say historical, but highly original and true, to rejoice in reading. Exploit them.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

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A thug flawless

to And I said on occasion that Eduardo Mendoza seemed the most English of English writers, and reading The amazing journey of Pomponio Flato reaffirmed me my belief. Reading this book (which, incidentally, I have returned to give, following a personal tradition that comes from who knows what arcane) I returned to relive the wonderful evening that I have brought PG Wodehouse and Evelyn Waugh, especially the latter, which I find a similar (literary) amazing with the Catalan writer.
Namely, only from my point of view, both have an undeniable masterpiece, Brideshead Revisited and The City of Marvels . Those who have come to these authors for the first time through these novels, will not surprise the rest of his literary output. Luckily, one began to read the two writers which was, is, for those novels that support your body real good narrative and make this argument as futuristic where 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 1. That is, besides the aforementioned masterpieces have another masterpiece obvious and is the sum of the rest of his novels, so that to focus on Mendoza, his second major work began before the first, with The Truth About Savolta case, and for now (and God save your grace many years) continues with the novel I just read in the manner of Balzac's Human Comedy . Although in this case, I would call The human descojone were it not speak of a most elegant writer, at least in form.
A Eduardo Mendoza, in his own words, can you think of the novels of the most peregrina, and in any case, as he says: "I go through life trying to write a novel and, as I leave, do another and the public." I do not know if this is modesty or a way to hide that he has a prodigious talent and special usually scarce. Reading this novel, I hate to imagine what work was trying to write, and I sincerely hope that was not something like The Gospel According to Jesus Christ of Saramago. However, those who continue his work with devotion bordering on delirium (mystic), gives us no cheese, and I guess all that nonsense that goes around telling the bully meapilas account is the catch with paper smoking and are only able to enjoy a hilarious book if, before the writer sings his particular mea culpa. At the end of the day, this man has to eat and some other pious fib not hurt anyone, especially if they are also messing staff. Yes
may be true, as has ensured that the novel occurred to him to see the literary and taste around us reader: historical novels pseudoinsoluble surrounded by a mystery where religious sects and other little people sets in solfa pious among a sexual fling, as little as rogue. And what better way to follow such illustrious predecessors to go directly to the source of our Western history, the times of Jesus Christ? And what better character-religious historical Jesus himself? While this may seem a novelty in his fiction, is not whether we know something of his work, and try to show later.
For our comfort, and excellent skill, re-use the resource that gave such a good result in Without Gurb news: someone is out of place in a place that is completely alien, but by all means try to understand and sac enter it with disastrous results. If you think about it, this happens in many novels of Mendoza, it's a clearer way ( unprecedented Island ) or a little more covert (Verbigratia, The mystery of the haunted crypt ). What happens to Pomponio Flato of this new novel is not unlike what happens to Gurb in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band while he took the beautiful form of Marta Sanchez to walk among us, the poor Pomponio Flato becomes almost in spite of Hercule Poirot in a scruffy and aerophagia. And to make matters worse, instigated by a Baby Jesus endeavored to solve a family case whose solution, guess, already has. The appeal is simple: the character wanders as a stranger in a series of circumstances that the reader already knows too well in advance, and the incidents in which entangled in its clumsiness resemble those of a toddler trying to decipher the world adults. Say that the action is easy to discover, not to run. The two teachers I know in these conflicts are mentioned Jardiel Poncela and Evelyn Waugh (for example, Scoop), and if there are many more geniuses at risk for these mess is because you have a smart sense of humor , skilled and extremely thin to avoid errors in the effort. Needless to say, Mendoza exceeds any expectation that one can do.
As for the time and place where the action is, I think Mendoza has reached the culmination of his particular obsession: the lives of the saints. I suppose that Jesus Christ (or the children's version of Jesus Christ, rather) is the most you can hope for a writer who has peppered his novels of saints and Christian themes to the delight of our comprehension. It started already with the mystical raptures Nemesio Cabra, the confidant of The truth about the case Savolta , and very rightly continued The City of Marvels with the visit of St. Eulalia of Barcelona mayor to demand greater respect for their sponsorship of the city with impunity usurped by the Virgen de la Merced. Nor should we forget that as long as Mendoza in that novel (and there is no reason to doubt his word), the urban idea of \u200b\u200bthe Eixample in Barcelona was inspired by a councilor for a visit to his office divine council, building that was not burned down shortly afterwards by the mayor by the timely appearance in the municipal offices in Santa Eulalia, St Agnes, St. Catherine and St. Margaret, "accompanied by a dragon laptop." The largest religious deployment Mendoza left him unprecedented Island, is well seen, is a hagiographic book all the way, and along which shamelessly, namely, St. Mark, St. George, St. Nicholas, St. Mamas, St. Pelagius , St. Mary of Egypt and even the very Immaculate Conception, which is given a ride with the ineffable Fabregas to stretch the muscles a bit after so many years making the statue, to finish to a show that only the fevered mind could conceive of Mendoza: "Clerics fandango danced pigeon dressed with novices who were forced to wear the cherubim." As you can easily see, now the Holy Family and other relatives are the protagonists of Mendoza a book is just the logical extension of a thematic obsession becomes more and more over the years in service.
For all this, when I finished reading the book he has given us the great Catalan writer (who lives mentally between Cambridge and the Vatican), I have not stopped him right when he said that did not distinguish a line between his novels, and I might add that each of them is a new chapter of a great masterpiece that does not support fakes, because a thug as faultless as Eduardo Mendoza only occurs in the literature every several decades.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

필 완댈 한센

Kafka on the shore. Haruki Murakami. Stories

C hen I agree to an author for the first time with something I'll always prevention. One enters into a narrative universe stranger, in a style which does not have references, especially if the work is read is not the first who writes or publishes the author. Before that, the reason for choosing the book tends to be a critique or an opinion viewed primarily in the cultural press. This, I do often, is perhaps the most risky in my life borne floor done, without the dangerous journeys by car, despite control violations, are a major cause of death in Spain.

Haruki Murakami is the last of these new acquisitions, and Kafka on the shore the first book I read. And yet, after numerous pages eagerly devoured, I'm not sure what to make of the novel. You may have been more stunned than anything else, because in fact the novel contains some power absorbing and intriguing. Its development through two parallel arguments come together in a way to end it is not original or special. Are the characters, situations, inner dialogues of the main characters so that baffle the inexperienced reader. One can not help wondering what these two have in common as different characters, a boy of fifteen who leaves the home she shares with her father, and a kind of ancioano delayed, mentally disabled with strange powers of communication with the cats. The chapters of adolescent develop in first person, and the elderly in third.

As we move into the novel, are inserted documents, reports, U.S. Army occupation, about a strange incident that took place during the second world war. From the beginning, because we assume that this event, and the information provided by the documents, will be the meeting point of two wires. And if the magic, or unexplained phenomena, we can assume in the minds of the disabled, we will see are slowly invading the reality is, other characters are splashed all suspected of having psychiatric problems. As the young man flees his hometown, seeking refuge, work and friendship, there are other characters that will close the argument, but so broadly that virtually the end is open, suggested, and each reader will draw his own conclusion on the interpretation of the final events and their relation to the two stories. The narrative voices are lost, the first and third person are mixed and confused, and even characters appear "concept" that come to make it clear that they are a metaphor, a construct that the author did not wish to reveal. And to pretend that we understand, but providing little clues.

The book, originally published in Japanese in 2002, opened so many unknowns and expectations that the publisher and the author opened a website where readers could comment freely on the novel and its meaning. Received more than 8000 questions about the book, which said about 1800. Murakami has recommended you read the book several times to fully understand its meaning, hidden in a metaphor, or rather, a collection of riddles. Murakami's literature has been classified as great, although I personally do not believe so. It is the Japanese version of English-American magical realism, but with a significance behind this fantasy, where things do not just happen, but do it with a hidden reason we have to disclose, envision or imagine.

So this book is about many things at once, in a symphony of issues that sometimes reaches dizzy. A discordant symphony, which is the power of music to change people, Shinto, the consequences of World War II in Japan today, the pursuit of self teen, fate, the concept of the Oedipus tragedy, the impact of pop culture and commercial icons and media .. . Murakami it does not want to hear about symbolism, not about that, but with metaphors and similes. The character who gives the title to the book, Kafka Kamura, linking us to the European culture and one of Murakami's favorite authors. The music of Beethoven, particularly the quartet of the Archduke, seems to have an important role in solving the puzzles, of which they themselves form part of its resolution.

Despite all this mess and the suspense theme that produces know how they will relate the most dramatic events of the book, the feeling after having read a work is very well spun and constructed, where nothing is left to random. And the effect is strong and powerful novel, which leaves a nice feeling after having finished. But one would suspect that Murakami, Japanese consumers considered by some writers as "pop author" may be doing these buildings by snobbery, by pointing to the culture of new-age transcendent, sensual and oriental.

it not because there are elements that remind me too the holistic and spiritualist jargon late twentieth century would be an original and imaginative work. For example, I recently read that one of the characteristics of its literature is that readers find in his books always someone to identify. Personally not my case, but I understand that spreading the novel of individuals lost that go in search of something, or are waiting for something, and feel all special, different or cursed by a prophecy, there are readers who are identified with them. In this novel there is even a character of sex and sexuality unclear. Nice story this identification, we will have more time to expose another entry in this blog, but maybe it's a tone a bit tricky in parts.

Murakami surprised readers of an earlier novel of great success, N orwegian wood, in this magical and esoteric books. Norwegian wood is their only realistic novel, and perhaps due to the disordered timing of publication of his books in the West, it is difficult to reconstruct his literary world. Gradually his works are published in English, and we can see if your travel narrative has a less metaphorical than his novels. For now, it has aroused my curiosity and I have purchased Sputnik, my love. Do not tell me that the title is intriguing ...