These are sketches of human figures drawn from life, made directly into thin marker, the latter has accents in dry brush. In the future I will continue posting this kind of work that I have so much fun.
Here you can see part of a bullet for education manuals Edebe Barcelona. Were more than three hundred and I was assisted in the color of Juan Manuel Tumburus.
This is part of a campaign by Cartoon Network for the people of Hook up animation. Needing definition for public highway had to rearrange the table in addition to versioning the character ... Munch forgiveness.
A right column samples will see Open Season. There are three short clips and the first is a compilation of many jokes, is a job for Hook people up animation, I realized funds. It is the job easier I have ordered but the result is effective and very funny, I hope you enjoy!
This is an American backyard for a video game in Street Fighter Nestea plan, "Heatfighter" for people at Three Melons. With the excuse know my work you can click on the link of the game (column of links on the right) and have some fun!