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Postal articulated |
1. It was very short the press run of Pamplona.
In order to see how much was the public's curiosity to know the Toribio details Eguía trial for the crime of Atondo, I draw this note of Lau-buru (Pamplona newspaper) of 14/01/1985:
"... say that yesterday, in which issue we publish the statement, same day that we publish the trial view, have exhausted our paper rolls before noon . We thank the President of the Court, whose attentions to the press we have been given the task otherwise impossible , to satisfy public curiosity. "2. Eguía Toribio reactions.
We saw his reaction when the executioner I made up the seat to fit better, stared impassively that the arrangements performed.
Let us now other reactions and phrases that show clearly the mental state of Toribio:
Lau- buru of 11/26/1984. Press Releases:
"Hosted Eguía to the scene, looked impassive the bodies of the victims ... has also begun to say that he suffers from any mental alienation "
La Vanguardia 19.10. 85:
Before hearing the notification of the decision said, " rather die on the scaffold to die in prison , for which thus merciful God forgive me my heinous crime. ".
heard the sentencing to pay close attention, but without flinching in the least. The clerk told him he had been denied clemency. When asked if she would sign the statement, he simply answered, "What for? What he wanted was to see the signing of Alfonso (referring to King Alfonso XII ). "
At about four o'clock in the afternoon, one of the Brothers of Peace Charity asked
- What are you doing, Toribio?
- Bloat to die, "replied the defendant.
and ended La Vanguardia:
The distraught mother of the accused had left the day before heading to the Sanctuary of Loyola, on the advice of people who wanted it away from the terrible spectacle.
3. The Executioner: Lorenzo Huerta
Tell a Pio Baroja nearly 13 years
"behind the car (which led to the gallows Toribio) executioner walked the walk, beer- "
And Miguel Sanchez Ostiz Baroja following memories:
" the executioner and the audience calmly explained details of the slaughter "
We said in the previous post:
" The executioner named Lorenzo Huerta and belongs to the audience of Burgos. The apparatus with which the executor of the law has fulfilled its terrible ministry is a modification of the old, modifications made by Huerta and was released in Vitoria in the criminal Garayo (a) sacamantecas, then some individuals the Black Hand and lately Eguía. Lorenzo Huerta has now been 47 executions.
Well, six years later (10/12/1891) is found in Olmedo (Valladolid). Executioner is a veteran: 56 years and over 80 executions. has to execute two lovers for the murder of her husband ( crime that inspired a novel to Emilia Pardo Bazán ). No shakes Lorenzo Huerta's pulse, the master of garrote. Victorian killed instantly. But Gumersindo not stop screaming. Squeeze the executioner uncovered his head and the offender is moving lips and eyes. Gumersindo back to club and even pulse. Terrible end! The 8,000 spectators can hardly bear.
4. The opulent banker
But news of the crime Atondo also gave rise to mess with newspaper accounts of competition, not without humor criticism like this from Barcelona's avant- of 18.10 85 (three days after the execution) to The Correspondence of Spain :
5. Toribio, stick out your tongue!Things Correspondence:"has been executed in the defendant Toribio Eguía Pamplona.Among the various efforts that have been practiced at the request of clemency has been veryvaluable the wealthy banker the Marquis de Campo. "Too valuable," asks a colleague. Foris not known.If he is right to be a little less, what had made the unfortunate Eguía?
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Ramona Belzunegui |
As you have heard, my mother (Ramona Belzunegui ) does not dare to associate the term "Toribio, stick out your tongue" to the implementation of Toribio Eguía. I, however, I've always suspected it was related, but so far not been able to prove it. But I had enough data that pointed in that direction:
- The ABC of 30.03.1907 is an article in which the author complains that each day is repeated a million times the grace of "Toribio, stick out your tongue" by the Door So what Sevilla Street for more than a hundred young people who advertise goods: a rubber heads, crudely made, which, when pressed , effectively removed the language. He adds that the term Madrid is not even, but put into circulation the first seller, stranger, of these heads.
Consuelo Vello "La Fornarina" (1884.1915)
- In Campezo (Álava) , Shrove Tuesday, in the early twentieth century, young men exhibited a doll stuffed with straw and dressed as a man, who was called Toribio. In shod foot in the other shoe and sandal (references to "Baron?" I had not put sandals on his feet. ") And they shouted: "Toribio, stick out your tongue!". And those who walked the doll (" Cachirulo ") he responded "I do not want, I have it black!". In the square, placed it on the trough and, after hearing the sentence, drowned Toribio. After which they got, as Lanz (Navarra) , to dance.
- Or this testimony, much later, in Patxi Oroz: [In these readings I just remember from my childhood, plus soccer news on Zarra, Basra, Gainza, some information "policy" related to the Second World War. Next to our house (in Beriáin, Navarra ) lived with his large family, Mr. PA, a farmer whose farm was enough to maintain two yoke of oxen, known for his pluck and genius. Used storytelling, and children we liked to hear the fireside on winter evenings, roasting chestnuts, but sometimes we lose sleep with a horrible story, like a hangman, I do not know if you have something to do with the same subject which has, if I mistake not, Pio Baroja, in which the narrator interspersed with appropriate gestures, a strong chorus, and grave voice, "stick out your tongue Toribio Toribio's going to get." And finally: "Toribio and removed."]
- Thus, until this moment, all hypotheses were pointing in the same direction. But today (3/11/1911), I've been lucky enough to confirm them. My source (thanks, Javier!) Is Fernando Pérez Ollo who has told me many details about your visit to Atondo in 1996. There he taught the seat still stained with blood, where they sat Toribio and love, and assured him that Atondo neighbors, outraged for such a horrible crime, were in the front row during the execution taunting and shouting Eguía the then famous, "Toribio, stick out your tongue!".As seen in the previous entry, the historian of Lau-buru not have any of it, but it does say a very significant phrase: "Leave aside certain details, "a phrase that gives rise to suspicion that things happened that refused to tell.

The last executions by garrote system in Spain took place on March 2, 1974. The Catalan anarchist suffered Salvador Puig Antich , at the Modelo prison in Barcelona, \u200b\u200band the common criminal allegedly Heinz Ches-Polish origin was actually German and called Georg Michael Welzel in Tarragona.
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